An accordion book is the perfect way to scrapbook an event... a dance, a party, a performance, graduation or create an autograph book (which can be used at all the events listed.) On our trip to Disneyland I used the accordion book to scrapbook each character we met with a photo (and stickers)mounted on coordinating cardstock. We brought 3x5 cards with us for autographs and I mounted those in a tag book which I attached to the accordion album. The album is two sided and sits great on a bookshelf for display. I just made one for fall and I am going to fill it with pumpkin patch photos when we go this week.
I love these kinds of books. My sister designed one of an outhouse and gave it to my father for Fathers day. Had old camping memories in it.
These books can be purchased premade with covers and folded pages to decorate. You can also create your own by cutting 12x12 paper into 4 inch strips and folding... to make it longer than 12 inches (3 pages) add a hinge or stickers on the seam. This can be done in 3 inch strips and 2 inch strips too. One of my favorite things to give is a gift tin (holds a gift card) accordion album. Great for school size photos so it is super for teacher gifts.
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